

Kundalini Yoga for the Throat Kriya

In this one-hour session we explore the Fifth Chakra, otherwise known as the Throat or “Vishuddha” Chakra. When things get blocked here, we can’t express what we’d like to say, or are fearful about speaking our truth. This can manifest…

Sunday Soul Sessions- Viparita Karani

Take a moment and relieve stress with this legs up the wall grounding and rejuvenating practice. Viparita- “inverted” and Karani- ” in action. Reverse the effects of your sitting or standing day! This practice facilitates a plethora of benefits that…

RBLIVENEWS:Calcium and Vitamin D deficiencies  कैल्शियम, विटामिन डी की कमी को कैसे दूर kare Dr.DHABI

RBLIVE NEWS: Calcium and Vitamin D deficiencies कैल्शियम और विटामिन डी की कमी को कैसे दूर करें DR. PANKAJ DHABI ने विस्तृत जानकारी दिया है, आप पूरा VIDEO देखिए सुनिए और अपनों को भी भेजिए। Aap RB LIVE NEWS par…