
vitamin D synthesis

Vitamin D (calciferol): Sources, Synthesis, Metabolism, Functions, RDA, Regulation and Deficiency

Follow On Instagram:- Channel Memberships: Vitamin D (calciferol): Sources, Synthesis, Metabolism, Functions, RDA, Regulation and Deficiency Vitamin D (calciferol) Characteristics ————————- Active form: 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25-(OH)2 D3, calcitriol) Sources: ————– Ergocalciferol (vitamin D2): mushrooms, fortified foods (e.g., milk, breakfast cereals,…

In this video, Dr. Barker details how vitamin D can benefit endurance athletes. https://www.naturalathleteclinic.com/ ———- If you’re looking for additional health information for athletes, check out the blog: https://www.naturalathleteclinic.com/blogs/natural-athlete-solutions For the best natural medicine products for active and athletic people:…

Tanning Beds and Vitamin D

Can tanning beds provide Vitamin D synthesis? Tanning beds have had a lot of negative press in the past decade over concerns of skin cancer. As long as you don’t ever get a sunburn, you use them sparingly and safely,…