

Solve Case 3 With Radar Software

in this video i have practiced how to solve a case Case Number 2 Solved By Radar Software ========================================= Sample Case Number (1) ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= (1) Use Spinach in This Way (2) Use Beef Liver (3) Take Sunlight For…

A Day in the Life of a Software Engineer | Vacation Edition

In this video I take you with me on a vacation day in Paris traveling alone. Follow me as I travel to France for the first time, visit the Eiffel Tower, and find the best tiramisu in Paris! 我决定独自去欧洲旅行。这是我第一次度假去法国。我会去参观罗浮宫,漫步在巴黎街头和参观其他名胜古迹。热忱欢迎您关注订阅。 This…