

All Types of COVID-19 Vaccines, How They Work, Animation.

How it works. mRNA vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna), DNA & Viral vector vaccines (Johnson & Johnson (J&J, JNJ), Oxford-AstraZeneca, Inovio, Sputnik V); protein/peptide vaccine (Novavax, EpiVacCorona), conventional inactivated (CoronaVac of Sinovac, Covaxin). Mechanism of each type of coronavirus vaccines explained. Vaccine-induced…

Covid19 Vaccines

Coronavirus| COVID19| SARS| CoV2| Pandemic| Vaccines| Genome| DNA| RNA| Infection| Immunity| Wuhan| GPAT| Pharmacy| Pharmacology| Immunology| Rapid research development of a effective virus against the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome novel Coronavirus SARS nCoV2 is essential. But the safety and efficacy…