Do we need supplements for weight loss? Do we need protein supplements for fitness? Do we need multivitamin tablets for a healthy lifestyle? These are few common questions I faced in my coaching and sessions. The answer is – t…
Buy Mamaearth products from: Mamaearth:- (use code ‘SUKRUTI2020’ to get 20% off on Mamaearth Website) Amazon:- Nykaa:- Flipkart:- Questions answered: 1. Are you a pahari? 2. Where are you from? 3. Are you just a Youtuber or any other job?…
“Tanya Jawab bersama dr.Rapolo Manik” Banyak pertanyaan di kalangan masyarakat mengenai Covid 19, Nah disini kami menjawab beberapa pertanyaan masyarakat mengenai Covid19 sebagai informasi untuk kita semua. Simak bersama-dalam video berikut ini. #covid19 #virus #corona #jagajarak #cucitangan #pakaimasker #question #answer…