
popular weight loss diet plans

COVID19 - Nutritional Support

In this video clip, Susanna explains how nutrition can help support you against COVID19. For the full webinar, click the link and sign up to our member’s area where you’ll have access to not just this full video but many…

vitamin C / vitamin A

In addition to boosting the immune system, vitamin C can also help you maintain healthy skin. The human body can convert β-carotene into vitamin A, which helps keep the eyes and skin healthy. 除了增强免疫系统,维生素C还可以帮助您保持健康的皮肤。 人体可以将β-胡萝卜素转化为维生素A,有助于保持眼睛和皮肤健康。 #EnglishChinese英汉对照#health健康#life生活 #EnglishChinese #immuneSystem #VitaminC #vitaminA