


Take the free cognitive function test yourself, foodforthebrain.org Direct order for Patrick’s book Upgrade Your brain, https://foodforthebrain.org/product/upgrade-your-brain-book-preorder/ Amazon link for the book for people outside of the UK, https://www.amazon.co.uk/Upgrade-Your-Brain-Unlock-Potential/dp/0008661200?crid=31ZSV4O2RLSZP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.TQCWZQW06kHFWQKwo5iRI2IxK8N0jqHbvIH0M4RoXWHBV7I7dcEmxFhLDMTt3sVg0klSKQ7zb_–xje-F8T7OYxnnnkY3XNCKPS0asRb50IqqtaUjaorcyaR2ovSBQjn9OapQ-Vs5g6n8e1w3j7Iy7mhimPWRTc8oon9JFYXEN42ewMqtVyotjrjSl_iwBPT9Yv8y_BTjBU0AwrnmNZlC4I4uKVLmFIe9wbpMzmkDB4.7PPF8_cw_7l7wc81AMKISHxUGvDsOy5geU3O8JBvMf0&dib_tag=se&keywords=upgrade+your+brain+patrick+holford&qid=1716986254&s=instant-video&sprefix=upgrade+your+brain+patrick+holford,instant-video,69&sr=1-1&linkCode=sl1&tag=foodfortheb01-21&linkId=8de770776f3cdc5a00b10bcd0467db98&language=en_GB&ref_=as_li_ss_tl 00:00 – Introduction of Patrick Holford 01:30 – Discussion on dementia,…

Professor Angus Dalgleish, (Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, Fellow of Medical Science.) Professor Dalgleish is a highly experienced doctor, physician, medical teacher, medical author and researcher with over 500 primary research…

Long covid seems to be the same as any other post viral syndrome https://www.scimex.org/newsfeed/expert-reaction-long-covid-may-be-no-different-to-other-long-term-virus-effects From: European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 27-30 April). Queensland data Long COVID ‘indistinguishable’ from other post-viral syndromes and other…

Professor David Anderson. Early vitamin D research doctor. Vitamin D and other topics, a fascinating wide ranging discussion with retired Consultant Physician and Professor of Endocrinology David Anderson. Download a free copy of VITAMIN D3 and the Great Biology Reset,…

Direct link to TV programme on GB News, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G69EqpMz-6M Well War welcome to this talk Monday the 12th of February now the prime minister in my country the United Kingdom has been doing a sort of question time uh today…