IMMUNITY June 7, 2020 7.6.2020 vitamin d deficiency is the main cause of body PAINS depress immune system(1)Vitamin d deficiency lead to bones wkness DEPRESION diabetes and depresion and alot other problems
IMMUNITY June 7, 2020 7.6.2020 vitamin d deficiency is the main cause of body PAINS depress immune system(2)Vitamin d deficiency lead to bones wkness DEPRESION diabetes and depresion and alot other problems
IMMUNITY May 1, 2020 Vitamin-D deficiency/Problems with lack of vitamin-d/ good health/body pains/ weakness/vitaminsVitamin- D deficiency can cause many health problems like weak bones, body pains, muscle weakness,nerves weakness. Vitamin- d is needed for regulating calcium in our body. It help in maintaining cardiac system, nervous system , immunity.