
human biology

Update with US concerns

US Leadership by example British PM The scientific evidence of face coverings, and the importance of stopping aerosol droplets; that’s been growing So I do think that in shops it is very important to wear a face covering Heat wave…

Why COVID-19 Is Hitting Men Harder

“Men are significantly more likely to be hospitalized, to be admitted into intensive care units, and to die from COVID-19 than women,” says professor Sabra Klein. Here’s what we know—and don’t know—about why that’s the case. Learn more:

Flu Vaccination and COVID 19 risk

Demand for flu vaccine soars as countries plan for second Covid-19 wave Officials in the UK are considering whether to offer flu shots to everyone The possible beneficial adjuvant effect of influenza vaccine to minimize the severity of COVID-19 Resultant…

Knowns and unknowns about coronavirus

Known and unknowns First coronavirus, 10,000 to 300 million years ago Seven strains infect humans Four that cause common colds, 2 from rodents, 2 from bats SARS-CoV, bats MERS-CoV, bats SARS-CoV-2, horseshoe bats Usually an intermediary SARS, civet cats, (abused…