


#veggiesandvitality, #nutritionalbenefits, #healthyhabits, #eatyourveggies, #plantpowered, #healthyeating, #veggiepower, #naturesbounty, #eatwellbewell, #balanceddiet, #veggieinspiration, #foodismedicine, #plantbaseddiet, #veggiegoals, #veggiejourney Welcome to “Veggies & Vitality: Unlocking Nutrient Power!” In this video, we delve into the incredible world of vegetables and their amazing nutritional benefits. Discover…

Know About Vitamin B12 Deficiency

A deficiency of vitamin B12 can lead to anemia. A mild deficiency may cause no symptoms. But if untreated, it may progress and cause symptoms. Hear our expert throw some light on what is Vitamin B12 and sources of Vitamin…