The scientific rationale for vitamin E supplements protecting against atherosclerosis is based primarily on the oxidation theory of atherosclerosis, the assumption that vitamin E becomes depleted as disease progresses, and the expectation that vitamin E prevents the oxidation of LDL…
Cómo hacer jugo de piña zanahoria apio manzana verde y pepino How to Make Healthy Mixed Juice – Pineapple Carrot Celery Green Apple and Cucumber Juice #HowtoMakeHealthyMixedJuicePineappleCarrotCeleryGreenAppleCucum Pineapple health juice benefits include immune booster and inflammation fighter, helps to detoxify…
This COVID-19 / Coronavirus update was given by Mayor & Couniclmember David Sander (City of Rancho Cordova, California) to his residents on Sept. 29th, 2020. Dr. Sander is a Virologist (a scientist who studies viruses) as well as serving as…
Dr. Berg’s New Book on Keto & Intermittent Fasting: Take Dr. Berg’s Free Keto Mini-Course: Dr, Berg talks about deep vein thrombosis. This is a formation of a clot (thrombosis). However, there are several vitamin deficiencies that can make you…