You’ll find out about Linus Pauling the ‘Einstein’ of chemistry and what got him so excited about vitamin C; which animals do or don’t produce it; how the body’s immune system works and how covid attacks the body, including red…
Life has become more sedentary than ever since the coronavirus outbreak. Gyms and dance studios have shut their doors, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work out. If you’ve been spending more time on the sofa, it’s time to shake…
UNS— PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) menyerahkan 12 unit Wastafel Portable kepada Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta. Penyerahan Wastafel Portable dilakukan di Lobi Gedung dr. Prakosa UNS, Senin (6/7/2020).