Nisarga Mane, Veda Wellness Center was established by Dr Venkatramana Hegde in the year 2015 with a motto ” RETURN TO NATURE” to reverse various health problems. Nisarga Mane Sirsi Youtube Channel has been started with a goal to reach…
#drvenkatramanahegde #nisargamane #vedawellnesscenter #sirsi #naturopathy #ayurveda #naturecure #physiotherapy #yoga #diet #ayush #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #healthylife CLICK ON THE BELOW LINK TO JOIN DR HEGDE’S HEALTH TIP WHATSAPP GROUP : FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT :7406853563, 9448729434
#drvenkatramanahegde #nisargamane #vedawellnesscenter #sirsi #naturopathy #ayurveda #naturecure #physiotherapy #yoga #diet #ayush #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #healthylife CLICK ON THE BELOW LINK TO JOIN DR HEGDE’S HEALTH TIP WHATSAPP GROUP : FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT : 7406853563, 9448729434