Rheumatoid Arthritis. Exercise, proper nutrition will diminish many diseases and aches & pain

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There’s no perfect meal plan to help you feel better if you’ve got RA, but go for a variety of nutritious foods. It’s good for your overall well-being and weight. You might try the Mediterranean diet, which features fish, whole grains, and fruits and veggies that may lower the inflammation caused by your disease.

Everyone is different. You have to see how you feel when you eat certain types of foods.

Omega-3 fatty acids in salmon, tuna, trout, and other cold-water fish can fight inflammation, which can help aching joints and morning stiffness. Eat about two 3-ounce servings of fish each week.

If fish isn’t your thing, omega-3 supplements might be an option for you. They could even help you cut back on anti-inflammatory medication. Borage seed oil may also relieve pain along with your RA meds. Just make sure you always tell your doctor before you take any supplements.

Saturated fats, which are in foods like butter and red meat, are linked with inflammation. Limit those and get your fats from healthier choices, like nuts and avocados. Instead of butter, try olive oil, which may lower pain and inflammation.

Fiber is good for your digestion, and it can also ease your inflammation. Look for breads, crackers, and cereals that list “whole grain” or “whole wheat” as part of the first ingredient.

Most of them are full of antioxidants, which boost your immune system and may fight inflammation. Try fruits like prunes, raisins, and berries. Go for veggies like kale, spinach, and Brussels sprouts. And don’t forget fresh, leafy greens. They’re a great source of fiber and folic acid. If you take methotrexate, folic acid can ease some of the drug’s side effects.

They’re another tasty way for you to get fiber and protein. Fiber can ease inflammation caused by your RA, and protein can help keep the muscles that support your joints strong. Beans are an excellent meat-free source of protein. Enjoy them in chili, as a side dish, or whipped into a healthy dip like hummus.

You can also eat beef liver and egg yolks for vitamin D, leafy greens for calcium, and fatty fish and fortified items like cereal and orange juice for both. Supplements may be an easier way to get the recommended amounts, though.