Vitamin Miniseries – Vitamin B12

In continuation with the Vitamin Miniseries, I share some scientific evidence on Vitamin B12: cobalamin. Vitamin B12 deficiency is hallmarked by fatigue, shortness of breath, feelings of depression, poor sleep, tingling of the hands and feet, a sore tongue, yellowing of the skin (jaundice), and if progressed, difficulty walking, using limbs, or paralysis. On average, 15% of us are vitamin B12 deficient. Tune in to find out who is most at risk, how to get vitamin B12, and if supplementation can promote mental health, heart health, and more. Make sure to follow me on social media to see some of the scientific papers and for more info.

IG: Dr.SCaligiuriFB: ThePeoplesScientistTwitter: DrSCaligiuriLinkedIn: Dr. Stephanie CaligiuriTikTok: Dr.SCaligiuri