A Moment With DORAN: Does The Covid-19 Mask Protect Us Or Is It A Deadly Threat?!

The best defense against Covid-19, as well as other diseases, is ensuring your vitamin D levels are normal.
Research shows vitamin D helps prevent acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a common killer in COVID-19 patients.
Although vitamin D is called a vitamin, it’s actually more of a hormone. When ultraviolet rays from sunlight strike your skin, the rays trigger vitamin D synthesis. You can build up your vitamin D levels through certain foods and supplements; however, you cannot eat enough of these foods to maintain normal Vitamin D levels.
It is necessary for most adults to take a D3 supplement to maintain normal Vitamin D levels. (As a side note, personally, I take 20,000 IU’s of D3 daily to maintain normal Vitamin D levels).
Most adults are deficient in their Vitamin D levels, since adults spend most of their time in-doors. African-American, Asians, and other people with darker skins and older people with thinning skin are more prone to Vitamin D deficiency as well.
Research has shown that people with Vitamin D deficiency are nearly 25 times more likely to die from Covid-19. Stated more simply, people with normal Vitamin D levels are 2,500% less likely to die from Covid-19.