Raise Your Innate Immunity! Protect Yourself & Your Loved Ones From Coronavirus With These Tips

We all are battling the COVID – 19. Social distancing is the top recommendation today along with the general protocol to be followed like frequently washing your hands, not shaking hands, having a well ventilated room, not meeting with many people and so on. However, what we can do to fight this together is make sure we are all working towards making our immune system stronger, especially in the vulnerable groups – elderly, pregnant women, those with a weak immune system and people with a clinical condition like diabetes, hypertension, lung disorders, etc.

How can one increase their immunity?
Here are some nutrition tips to boost your immunity against a viral outbreak like COVID – 19.
Immune system is not a single entity but an entire system. There are various steps that make your immune system robust and kicking in at the right time. Some of them are listed here:

– Getting adequate sleep: When the body is well rested the cells have a better chance to ward off the infections.
– Getting sufficient physical activity: Regular physical activity helps the cells of the body work more efficiently in times of need.
– Abstain from alcohol and smoking
– Minimise stress: Stay calm as stress can suppress the immune system. Do not get into a panic mode.
– Eat a well balanced diet: Avoid junk, processed and sugar laden foods as they do not have much nutrition to work at their optimum level. There are certain foods that could keep your immunity alive and kicking strong.

1. Citrus fruits like oranges, lemon, tangerine and grapefruit along with amla (Indian
gooseberry), guava and berries that are rich in Vitamin C help build a strong immune
Coloured bell pepper which is rich in Vitamin C is also a good immunity booster. Leafy
greens are also are a good provider of Vitamin C.
2. Usage of garlic and ginger in our daily food is a part of our culture. They are the go to foods
for boosting your immunity. Use them judiciously in your food.
3. Next is the curd (yogurt) that is normally consumed in every household. The live culture in
the curd may have a role to play in stimulating your immune system to help fight the
4. Haldi or turmeric that is a part of our daily diet is anti inflammatory and helps fight
5. Yellow orange fruits and vegetables like papaya, mangoes, carrots, peach and pumpkin
which are rich in Vitamin A also help enhance the immune system.
6. Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli provide vitamins and
antioxidants that help boost your immune system.
7. Nuts like almonds, walnuts and pistachios provide the healthy fats and Vitamin E again vital
for a healthy immune system.
8. Lentils / Beans: Protein from the lentils and beans help strengthen the immune system. The
disease fighting cells are protein in nature.

Besides these steps one needs to keep a safe distance from those who may seem to have an infection. So, eating a well balanced diet can help one shield from the infections or decrease the intensity of the infection.
Do write in to us for any queries regarding the topic and we would be happy to help.

About Cafe Nutrition
Healthy Eating Program II Clinical Nutrition Program II Weight Loss Program II Women’s Health Nutrition Program II Sports Nutrition Program

Café Nutrition has been established with the aim to bring back focus on the importance of right nutrition. You can eat what you love, and we help ensure that you love what you eat. The better you eat, the better you feel and eating well doesn’t mean you have to forgo all your favourite treats and comfort foods. Our approach is about abundance, not deprivation. Café Nutrition personalised nutrition programs equip you with practical tools and resources to bring good health into your life. Our expert counselling empowers you to take charge of your health and encourages you to make mindful food and lifestyle choices. We make eating food a simple chore with no complications attached to it.


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