Ethnic Disparities in COVID-19

In this video, we discuss the topic of the disparity in COVID-19 severity in the Black, Asian, and Minority ethnic groups (BAME) as reported in the literature coming out of the United Kingdom. The UK has the best data collection system for outcomes and has a large amount of ethnic diversity represented in its health care system.

We will discuss this data and see how it may apply to the similar disparities we are seeing here in the U.S.

Is there anything we do to improve the outcomes in these groups? I think the answer is, “yes.”

The article is the basis for the concept that Black, Asian and Minority ethnic groups (BAME) are at an increased risk for severe COVID-19 disease. But why?

Vitamin D deficiency is up to 71-fold more common in this group than in white populations.

Most vulnerable populations in Europe have low vitamin D levels

Evidence that Vitamin D Supplementation Could Reduce Risk of Influenza and COVID-19 Infections and Deaths

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