difference between covid 19 and Normal flue| How to Improve Immune System

difference between covid 19 and Normal flue
As the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) ravages across the globe, information about the condition is becoming more widely available, thanks to the efforts of various institutions, governments, and scientists from around the world.

Within just a month, scientists identified the virus causing pneumonia-like illness, affecting residents of Wuhan City, in China. Since the first reported case, more pieces of the puzzle have emerged on the nature of the virus, how it behaves, the signs and symptoms, and possible vaccines or treatments for the disease.

Many outbreaks and pandemics in the past had similar symptoms and systemic complications. For instance, COVID-19 and influenza (flu) are both infectious respiratory illnesses. Though the symptoms of these two diseases seem similar, they are caused by different viruses. While many people often compare COVID-19 to the flu, there are many differences between them.Which i will explain them in this video with best examples for public interest and will explain how to improve Human immune System to fight with Covid-19.if you wanna to like this video then please subscribe Health Line for more daily health updates.