Mojo Pet Supplements Hemp Sativa Extract Nutraceuticals 2020 To Help Supports Dogs and Cats…

Mojo Pet Supplements+ are the next generation pet supplements, like a treat however much healthier than a treats. as well the “newest monthly rotational humane-grade Beef Liver, Salmon, Duck, Chicken and/or Liver Snap pure hemp infused supplements” for dogs and cats. All-In-One-Bite; uniquely formulated for their daily nutritional needs and more 100% All natural nutritional support, incredibly high in protein, fibre, and minerals. As well, high in Omega Fatty Acids 3, 6 and the essential vitamins A, D3, E & B. A group of vitamins that play a major role in your pets health & well-being.
– Vitamin A: the vitamin in carrots that is responsible for good vision your parents promised you. Also responsible for growth, fetal development, immune function, cell function, reproduction, and cellular communication.
– Vitamin D3; is a fat-soluble vitamin (i.e., stored in the fatty tissues of the body and liver) that is vital in regulating the calcium and phosphorous balance in your dog’s body. It also promotes the retention of calcium, thus aiding bone and teeth formation and nerve and muscle control.
– Vitamin E; is an antioxidant that can help defend the body against free radicals in the skin and other cells. Vitamin E is also an essential, fat-soluble vitamin that is good for a dog’s immune system, muscles, heart health, liver, nerve cell membranes and healthy skin and coat.
– Vitamin B; helps regulate energy and carbohydrate metabolism, and activates ion channels in neural tissue.
Puppies to adult dogs and cats by crushing and sprinkling into the cat food to help support:

To help support DOGS & CATS;

· Joint health and mobility
· Muscle health Development
· Skin & coat development
· Cardiovascular health Development
· Vitality levels
· Immune system Development
· Digestion and may promote relaxation.

As well help support:

· Relaxation, Calming (anxiety)
· Mobility (HIP & JOINT)
· Reduce inflammation and the symptoms of arthritis

SQF (Safe, Quality Food) Manufactured Certified, VHP/NN (Veterinary Health Product/Health Canada Notified) AS A LOW DOSE DRUG, Third-Party-Lab-Tested, NON-GMO Verified Project Pure Hemp Sativa Infused Supplements. They are uniquely formulated like no other hemp supplement for dogs and cats health & well-being.

• 100% Human-Grade Beef Liver, Pork & Chicken from only certified farms in Canada
• 100% All Natural
• 100% No Artificial Flavours
• 100% No Colours
• 100% No Preservatives
• 100% Canadian Owned & Operated

Mojo Pet Supplements pure Hemp suplements are GMO-Free, Gluten-free, Herbicide & Pesticide free, peanut free, Vegetarian approved, Kosher certified, No THC and Tryspin inhibitor free.

Offering its customer a “Loyalty Rewards Program, 12 BAG FREE” for life in all retailers.

Mojo Pet Supplements Inc.
Jason L. / Sales Manager
O: 905-581-8921 / E:
Stay Calm & Mojo!



