Sarah Johnson's discovery?? Did u even go to Stanford…

If you look anything up regarding the topic of nutrition & health, you begin to be bombarded with ads related to weight loss, choosing healthy food choices, etc.

The discovery:

Some of the information being promoted is factual, but 95% is bullshit. Here is why: these companies advertising to you are just wanting you to purchase their product and will sell you whatever in order to do just that. Whats the easiest way to do that and get away with it just incase their product doesn’t fulfill the advertised results? Selling a supplement.

Why a supplement? Because supplements aren’t evaluated by the FDA. Why? because they aren’t required to be evaluated by the FDA. Even if they were though, we would need multiple peer reviewed studied validating the efficacy of these supplements to ensure they will actually work. Long story short, selling a supplement is the easiest way to sell bullshit and get away with it; and what paves the path for the market to be so effective in manipulating the consumers? Our obsession with weight loss, health, and fitness.

Health, fitness, and weight loss are all good things to be concerned about, but let’s make sure that we are doing our part to research what we are buying to make sure we don’t fall victim to manipulative marketing.

Supplements I’ve seen to be effective:

Creatine – increases the amount of oxygen brought to your muscles during exercise

Caffeine – helps you to perceive exercise as less difficult compared to if you don’t consume any form of caffeine.

Vitamin D – vitamin D is the hardest vitamin to get through our diet, so a supplement can be necessary. This is especially true for northerners during the winter. In order to prevent deficiency, we may need to take a supplement.

Any others you want me to review? Drop em’ in the comments down below. 🙂

Instagram: donniethemillennial