Can You Prevent Coronavirus With Vitamin D?

Dr Flory discusses the advantages of Vitamin D and whether or not is can prevent Coronavirus.

With all the news about the Coronavirus spreading across the world…the number infected, the deaths, and the countries impacted all increasing each week…it would be nice to get some GOOD NEWS about the virus, right?

Well, this email will provide the fact-based good news we all need, specifically what you can proactively do today in order to boost your immune system and prevent getting sick.


Most everyone has learned about the role that vitamin D has on the health of the skeletal system and preventing osteoporosis, but mounting evidence demonstrates that it plays a major role in strengthening the immune system to combat infection from viruses (1). In fact, it has become well established, supported by research from the British Medical Journal, that vitamin D deficiency increases one’s risk of getting the common flu (2). But did you know that taking vitamin D has already been linked to your immune system fighting the Coronaviruses?

Well, it has. Having healthy levels of vitamin D in your system increases your body’s production of antimicrobial peptide LL-37 which has been tested and proven effective with multiple coronaviruses, according to the Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases and the Journal of Clinical Virology, (3 & 4). In addition, cell culture studies have shown that vitamin D has direct anti-viral effects particularly against enveloped viruses, like coronaviruses.


So, if you’re like me wanting to know what you can do to for prevention, then make sure that you are taking your vitamin D. But taking vitamin D alone is not nearly as effective at boosting your body’s immune response as taking it along with vitamin A and vitamin K2. These three fat-soluble vitamins (D3, K2, and A) have a synergistic effect when taken together to increase the virus-fighting effects of vitamin D.

So, how much should you take?

10,000 IU of vitamin D per day. “What?!? That’s too much, right? My doctor only told me to take 2,000 IU day.”

Not true. That upper limit was established in 1997 by the Food and Nutrition Board (FNB), but it is no longer based on current scientific evidence and is viewed by many as being too restrictive, thus curtailing research and optimization of nutritional policy. In fact, research published in 2007 by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition discovered that those taking less than or equal to 10,000 IU/ day of vitamin D3 did NOT show any evidence of toxicity. (5)

So, if you want to prevent getting infected with the COVID-19 coronavirus, then start taking a supplement that contains vitamins D3, K2, and A. Click here for an example of one of the BEST supplements for this. It is the most efficient, most convenient, and least expensive option we’ve found.

And if you decide to create a free account with Wellevate (the best online vitamin and supplement dispensary), you will receive a discount on any order that you make with them due to the fact that you are a patient of Atlas Brain & Spine. Click here to create a free Wellevate account:

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