The Link Between Vitamin Deficiency and Hair Loss is Revealed

The Link Between Vitamin Deficiency and Hair Loss is Revealed

Did you know that there is a connection between vitamin deficiency and hair loss? Yes, lack or low level of the vital nutrients that support hair growth is one of the major causes of baldness; the bad news is, most of us do not get enough of such nutrients from our daily diets today.
Research shows that the number of people suffering from hair loss has been increasing at an alarming rate in recent times; this is not surprising because our modern day foods contain less of the vital nutrients that our bodies generally need. The truth is, as your body needs nutrients to function well, so also does your hair need nutrients to grow healthy, strong and thick; that is the connection between vitamin deficiency and hair loss.
One of the vital vitamins that really support hair growth is Biotin; this is proven to also support healthy skin and nails. The problem is that most people’s body cannot absorb much Biotin from foods; that is where supplementation plays an important role. We are encouraged to augment what we get from foods with dietary supplements. Apart from Biotin, another important vitamin to look for in your supplement is Vitamin B6; you should also look for minerals such as Zinc, magnesium and Para-amino benzoic acid.
You will also help your hair grow healthier and fuller by taking a supplement that also contains effective herb extracts like Nettle roots, Saw palmetto, Pumpkin seeds and Horsetail silica; these are all natural ingredients that are proven to support healthy hair as well as promoting your general well-being.
For instance Native Americans have been using saw palmetto for years for the treatment of prostrate disease; its ability to treat hair loss was recently discovered. It is important to note that DHT hormone, which is another major cause of baldness is also responsible for prostrate disease; this means that apart from the link between vitamin deficiency and hair loss, there are also other causes of baldness.
Now that you know that there is a connection between vitamin deficiency and hair loss, make sure that you get all the essential vitamins you need by taking a good quality dietary supplement.
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