EP029a: The Ultimate Supplement is Vitamin “S”, Shawn Stevenson Wrote the Sleep Bible

Start Burning Fat for Fuel Today… Get Started With Keto!

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The Ketogenic Diet is a high fat, moderate protein, and very low carbohydrate diet.

Through the restriction of carbohydrates, it re-programs your metabolism to burn your fat stores for fuel rather than using the glycogen stored in your muscles.

The low-carb intake helps to keep your insulin and blood sugar levels from spiking.

This allows your fat cells to begin releasing fatty acids, which your liver will then breakdown to produce what are called “ketones.”

Ketosis is the physiological state that is achieved when your body breaks down ketones for energy rather than the glucose from carbohydrates.

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what’s up everybody? Welcome to the fit to fat to fit experience podcast. I’m your host, drew Manning. Welcome back for another amazing episode of this podcast. Today we have an amazing episode with my good friend Sean Stevenson, a K a the model health show, a K a the sleep expert. We’ve had them on before in the past, but I brought him back on again because he is relaunching his new and improved book called sleep smarter. Uh, which is an amazing book. In this episode you guys, we dive into the specifics of how sleep affects you at the hormonal level. We go over his top hacks for helping you get to sleep faster and getting more quality sleep. Because just like our philosophy with working out, for example, it’s all about working out smarter, not necessarily harder and longer, right? So it’s more about the quality of sleep you get and not just the quantity.

And Sean is the expert on all this and he talks about, um, how to, for example, how to calm your inner chatter. So one of the issues that Lynn and I have with getting quality sleep is sometimes you lay down and you start thinking about what about this, what about that? You start stressing and worrying. Anxiety builds up. And before I know an hour has gone by and you’re still awake. So we talk about how to calm your inner chatter, how to get through that. I talked to him about my, my specific issue sometimes is where I’m training really hard and I’m not eating enough. So if any of you have ever experienced that, we talk about how your exercise affects your sleep and how your nutrition affects your sleep as well. So this one is a great episode packed with a lot of great information, great knowledge that were thrown at you guys.

Um, so, and I am flying solo today so it’s just can be me lens out of town. So, um, I hope you guys really enjoy this episode, but before we dive in, you guys, our show sponsor for today is dollar workout now dollar workout for those of you who are new to my podcast, um, those of you who have been listening for a while probably are tired of hearing me talk about it. But Darla, workout is something that we’re so passionate about is because it’s something that we created. Now what it is, is you get access to five at home workout videos, five motivational videos and five healthy recipe videos delivered to you new content each week for just a buck a week. So if you’re looking to, uh, maximize your results in a minimal amount of time, all of our workouts are between 10 to 15 minutes.

And just like I said, exercising smarter, not longer as the key and that we have great healthy recipes that you can implement for you and your family. And then motivational videos to help you tackle things like, uh, you know, how to stay motivated and have stay inspired, how to overcome cravings. Um, and those kinds of things to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. You guys, so go check it out. A dollar workout club, it’s just a buck a week, you guys, it’s high quality content versus you know, you’re going to pay 10 to 15 bucks for daily burn or Beachbody or these other online fitness programs that are out there and you don’t get access to me, Lynn and Natalie like you do in these other programs. Um, and like I said, it’s just a buck a week. So check it out. Dollar workout Now let’s dive into today, today’s show with Shawn Stevenson. All right, what’s up, Sean Stevenson, thank you so much for coming back on the fit to fat to fit experience podcast. How’s it going, bro? It’s going great man. Thanks for having me back.