Weekly update: The Salvation Army’s response to coronavirus (28 May 2020)

The Salvation Army continues to work to support communities affected by the coronavirus crisis.

While food distribution for people continues around the world, economic hardship means that animals are also in need. In Hawaii, USA – which faces particular isolation due to its island status – the Army is partnering with other organisations to arrange shipments of animal feed, ensuring that nutrition can be provided to pet owners and shelters looking after vulnerable animals.

Efforts are also being made to improve community hygiene. In Uruguay, officers and volunteers are distributing cleaning and hygiene kits to neighbourhoods near the city of Salto.

Training continues to be provided in Kenya, with house-to-house visitations being made safely to deliver important hygiene messages. Where possible, this takes place alongside strategic community training.

The Salvation Army runs a number of hospitals and health clinics worldwide. In Indonesia, there are six hospitals treating thousands of patients each month. Additional personal protective equipment is being secured to ensure the safety of patients and staff. The Army is also providing doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers with vitamin supplements.

In the UK, work to restore hope to those who are isolated is continuing. One centre is combining the delivery of wellbeing packages to vulnerable people with singalongs in the street. The intention for the combined activity is to build community and support mental health.

The Salvation Army in Australia recently held a national day of prayer, ahead of a whole season of prayer launching this Sunday. As the country begins to see some restrictions eased, people are being asked to consider – through their prayers – new ways of delivering services and how they can encourage others in their personal expressions of faith.

Prayer is also being facilitated in Finland, as Instagram stories are being used as a tool to receive prayer requests. Messages are received privately and can be as simple as a single emoji. Requests are being received from those who would not normally seek prayer support.

Tag us in your social media posts to share how you’re addressing needs in your community.

Please keep in your prayers all those who have been impacted by coronavirus. Pray for medical workers and all Salvation Army volunteers, members, officers and staff.


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