Immunity: The Link Between COVID and Aging

This webinar was recorded on Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Join Dr. Ryan McNally‘s recorded webcast as he discusses how we should nurture our immune system in the middle of a COVID-19 world. This is everyone’s first pandemic so we will dive deep into how to guard our immune system against contagious viruses.

Concepts like social distancing and mask-wearing indeed help but this event will give you a much richer insight.

In this webcast we will explore:

The immune system and its relationship to COVID-19 along with why it tends to affect the aged population more severely. The dynamic between age and immune system function to provide insight into the COVID-19 phenomenon. And current trends in an attempt to bolster the immune system and turn-back-the-clock on the aging immune system.

Dr. Ryan McNally is a licensed naturopathic doctor practicing at Aspire Regenerative in La Jolla, California. To learn more about Dr. McNally, click here. To schedule an appointment call 888.852.7747.