Everything I Did To Get Back In Shape // Food, Fitness, & Mental Health // Sanne Vloet

Everything I Did To Get Back In Shape In Four Weeks // My Diet & Everything I Ate, What I Did For Fitness & My Favorite Workouts, & What Happened During Quarantine // Sanne Vloet #Wellness

Hi guys,

I wasn’t really sure about this video at first, because well we all have our insecurities whether its with our self image, our confidence, or anything else that can us to not feel great about ourselves. As a model you always want to be in shape for work, but for the first time in our lives the world shutdown. Things just didn’t really feel right which had an effect on me both physically and mentally (mental health is so important, who agrees).

When I started to realize I wasn’t feeling healthy, which was about three weeks into quarantine, I decided to jump into a IG Live a few times a week with my friend Sami which was called #MeTime, which I desperately needed! It was the push and the motivation that got me going! I decided to film everything, every meal, every workout, everything I was doing, and by doing that I became more conscious of what I was putting into my body!

The main thing I want all of you to take away from this is about how you FEEL! You can feel great no matter your height or weight, but if you aren’t putting foods that will fuel your body properly it’s going to affect your mood (sorry Max & Jason), your skin (oh btw guys Ize Skincare is finally launching TODAY, I hope all of you decide to try it out), and your motivation to do things. That coupled with being stuck inside for weeks was a big challenge for me because I love being outdoors!

I hope all of your are feeling great and I hope that all of you are on your wellness journey eating the right foods for you, taking the necessary steps to show your body love, and NEVER forget to take care of your mental health. Luckily I have Jason (@jasongorskie) who is my mental coach and partner in our school project!

I haven’t slept much the last few days because Izé is launching TODAY this morning! To everyone that is planning on supporting us THANK YOU, I still can’t believe it’s happening and I can’t wait for all of you to try it out! Make sure to visit us tomorrow morning starting at 10am New York time!

Sorry for the long description today! For anyone who is struggling with lack of motivation or who hasn’t had the results they want, I recommend you research food, and explore the different types of diets that are out there. I hope all of you are joining me on this little journey! I can’t believe that we are almost at 1 Million, it’s only been two years, and this community has turned into an army.
I love you all and just remember that feeling good is what matters most!



Banana Bread Recipe:

My Favorite Vitamin:
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My Favorite Workout Outfits:

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Instagram: @sannevloet (
Twitter: @sannevloet (


I used music from Epidemic Sound –
I used music from Music Bed –