New Information Should Drive Policy – Homeland Security Senate Hearing Covid-19

COVID-19 : How New Information Should Drive Policy – Homeland Security Senate Hearing May 06, 2020

Pierre Kory, MD, MPA, “This ‘window for intervention’ in COVID-19 appears to be wickedly short and fleeting, it will require all the hospitals and health care systems to be prepared to implement the protocol, quickly and without hesitation”

I am posting this because I could not find it on YouTube ! This protocol is for patients presenting to hospital. The key is RAPID TREATMENT without delay.

Key features or the protocol are IV Methylprednisone, and IV Vitamin C & heprin, and oxygen support. Optional use of Thiamine, Zinc, and Vitamin D.


David L. Katz, MD, MPH, President, True Health Initiative, “We should adopt “total harm minimization,” aimed at mitigating the direct harms of COVID19, and the indirect harms of societal upheaval and economic collapse…”

At 2 hours 18 minutes “The good news is, dietary practices can modify imume function, improve immune balance in a matter of hours; significantly in matter of just days, and profoundly in weeks.”


Tom Inglesby, MDDirector, Center for Health SecurityJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health “…. 38% of adults in the US or 92.6 million people are at higher risk of serious covid infection…..”


AVIK S. A. ROY President, The Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity
“Impact of public policies and proposed reforms on those with incomes or wealth below the U.S. median….

” It is for this reason that I am gravely concerned about the profound economic destruction that the COVID-19 lock downs have caused.

“Targeted protection for the known vulnerable, standards and common sense recommendations for individuals and businesses, and prioritized testing form the basis of an urgently needed, strategic re‐entry plan that would save lives, prevent overcrowding of hospitals, and limit the enormous harms compounded by continued total isolation.”

“….we have direct data on risk and experience with managing it.”

John P.A. Ioannidis, M.D., C.F. Rehnborg Professor in Disease Prevention. School of Medicine
Stanford University

“….Shelter-in-place and lockdown orders were justified initially,….”

” ….to-date person-years of life lost from COVID-19 worldwide is probably in the range of 100- to 1000-fold less than the person-years of life lost from influenza in 1918….”

“Starvation is becoming a global threat” ( IMHO everyone should strive to waste ZERO food ! )


Scott W. Atlas, M.D.. David and Joan Traitel Senior Fellow Hoover Institution Stanford University

“Treating Covid-19“at all costs” is severely restricting other medical care and instilling fear in the public, creating a massive health disaster, in addition to severe economic harms that could generate a world poverty crisis with almost incalculable consequences.”

“We also know that total isolation prevents broad population immunity and prolongs the problem.”

“By now, multiple studies from Europe, Japan, and the US all suggest that the overall fatality rate is far lower than early estimates, perhaps below 0.1 to 0.4%, i.e., ten to forty times lower than estimates that motivated extreme isolation.”