What is the Best Source of Vitamin D? Can Sunlight Strenghten the Human Immune System?

I’ve been SUN WORSHIPPING for 30-plus years now, almost always without sunscreen. For a long time, despite the fear-mongering of prominent organizations, I have never subscribed to narratives that villify and demonize the ☀️.

I was a landscaper for many years, working for hours each day in the hot sun — again, never wearing sun screen and usually not covering up. I ALWAYS loved working in the hot sun, always loved hard physical work, which probably explains my gravitation and affinity for wrestling, jiu jitsu and combat sports.

The sun is a powerful life force, essential for human immune system performance, vitamin synthesis and hormone regulation.

The immense benefits of regular sunlight is pure common sense to me, a decades-long practice for me. Not new to me — I Live It. And not news that sunlight can boost the human immune system.

But for those who refuse to think for themselves, who refuse to test your own limits and experiment with your own tolerance to the sun, who always need to wait for “science” to tell you what you should do, to direct how you should act and behave…well, since you don’t believe a down-in-the-trenches healthy liver like me, then here is a popular doctor pounding a similar drum. Not my guru but yours perhaps.

Not new, but probably new for many of you.

Even better than this podcast — listen to Dr. Michael Holick talk about his decades-long research on Vitamin D and essential sunlight. He is way, way further down this particular rabbit hole.

By the way — I am NOT telling you to go and be stupid and reckless in the sun. We are all different and unique. Know thyself and thy skin and be gradual and progressive with any sun exposure. I am super intelligent about my personal sun exposure because I’ve been playing in the sun a long time and am comprised mostly of Mediterranean blood. Most of you are not ready to play in the sun like I do, for as long as I do — often two hours or more each day. There are many moving pieces and factors, as with everything in life. Go at your own pace and find your own groove. If you’re skin is getting burned then you’re doing it wrong!!