Balanced diet | Malnutrition | overnutrition | Probiotic | Adulteration of food | Water | Nutrition

A balanced diet
All that we consume during the
day is together called our ‘diet’. A
diet containing adequate quantities
of all nutrients is called a Balanced
To build a strong and healthy
body, you need all nutrients in the
right proportion and in sufficient
quantities in your daily diet.

Malnutrition occurs when all the nutrients
that the body needs are not obtained in the proper
proportions from the diet. This happens when a
person does not get sufficient food or when the
diet is not balanced. If one’s diet exceeds one’s
need, it is called overnutrition.

You know that the useful
micro-organisms which convert
milk into yoghurt are present in
yoghurt and in buttermilk. They
are called ‘probiotics’. Lakhs of
micro-organisms reside in our
intestines. Their presence in such
large numbers is essential for our
health. Hence to maintain them
in our body, we should include
probiotics such as yoghurt and
buttermilk in our daily diet.
When we suffer from loose
motions and vomiting, we throw
out micro-organisms along with
intestinal water. Some medicines
can also kill them. Therefore, we
need to take extra yoghurt/
buttermilk to restore their

Adulteration of food
In order to earn more profits, cheaper
substances of low quality are mixed with
the foodstuffs. These substances are called
adulterants and adding them to foodstuffs
is called adulteration of food. Adulterants
may even be poisonous or harmful to
health. Such adulterated food is impure
and harmful and so unfit for consumption.
Adulterants used to adulterate food are
such that they will remain unnoticed even
when mixed with the food.

Junk food
Chocolates, noodles, burgers, pizzas, chips,
bottled soft drinks, attractively packaged snacks
as also ready fried foodstuffs available in the
market such as wadas, pakodas, etc. are very
tasty and we like them very much. However,
these foodstuffs contain refined flour, sugar,
oil in large proportions. When refined flour,
is made from wheat or when sugar is made
from sugarcane, many nutrients in the wheat
or sugarcane are lost in the process. Hence,
all we get from these foods is energy and our
hunger is satisfied.
Naturally, if we eat a lot of junk foods,
we will get insufficient quantities of the
items from other food groups. If this happens
frequently, our body soon experiences a
shortage of proteins, vitamins and minerals
and that may lead to malnutrition.
Junk food eaten frequently also causes
obesity. Obesity is not good for our health.
As such foods do not supply all the
necessary nutrients, they are called junk foods.

Alongwith all the other nutrients, the body
also needs an adequate supply of water. For this
purpose, we must drink milk, buttermilk, lemon
juice, sherbets, fruit juices and plenty of water.

Other related video :

Part 1

Diet and nutrition carbohydrates fats proteins minerals and vitamins sources and deficiency

part 2

Vitamins sources and functions helps in deficiency diseases

Floating and sinking lemon science experiments

Water denay floating and sinking egg and salt water science experiments

Skeleton system human skeletal system bone anatomy

Internal organs parts of human body vital organs

Most important internal organs

kidney disease symptoms prevention and cure

Key words:
balanced diet, balanced diet in hindi, balanced diet class 6, balanced diet for healthy life, balanced diet for weight loss in hindi, balanced diet for weight gain, malnutrition symptoms, malnutrition diseases, malnutrition class 10, overnutrition, overnutrition and undernutrition difference, overnutrition symptoms, probiotics, probiotics weight loss, probiotics yogurt, adulteration of food in hindi, adulteration of food examples, adulteration of food project,
Food and diet, nutrition, sources of vitamins, sources of protein,