Vitamin D Deficiency Suppresses Immunity – New Evidence

There are new evidences that Vitamin D Deficiency Suppresses Immunity and immune system. And that is the real cause of catching viral infections. If you have vitamin d deficiency symptoms, start taking vitamin d supplements to boost it.
Vitamin d boosts immunity through several mechanisms. It increases cathelicidins and defensins, which lower viral replication. These chemicals are important part of the immune system, which destroys virus and other pathogens.
Vitamin D also increases concentrations of anti-inflammatory cytokines, and reduces concentrations of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Please note, inflammation injures the lining of the lungs, and leads to pneumonia.

Concentrations of vitamin d are lowest in winter. And, the current outbreak of the deadly virus also occurred in winter. This also supports the evidence.

Vitamin D deficiency contributes to acute respiratory distress syndrome. It occurs in elderly people, or people with chronic diseases, like cancer, cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Both of which have vitamin d deficiency.

People with black skin has vitamin d deficiency. Because their skin has less ability to make vitamin d.
82% African Americans has vitamin d deficiency. And 42% Americans have vitamin d deficiency.

Fresh data reveals that, mortality rate of black Americans is 2.6 times higher than the white Americans are. In Kansas, it is seven times. In Missouri, Wisconsin and Washington D.C., it is 6 times. In Michigan, it is 5 times greater. Blacks in Britain are four times as likely to die of the virus as whites. This another news item.

To reduce the risk of infection, influenza, and current pandemic, consider taking 10,000 IU/d of vitamin D3 for a few weeks, to rapidly raise vitamin d levels, followed by 5000 IU/d. The goal should be to raise vitamin d levels above 40-60 ng/mL. For treatment of people who become infected with the current viral pandemic, higher vitamin D3 doses might be useful.

So these recommendations are taken from a study.
You can easily get your vitamin d levels checked through a blood test. And optimize these levels, given the current situation of viral infections.

Vitamin d receptors are in every cell of the body. This is so crucial for health. Immunity, hormone production, brain health, energy production and metabolism, diabetes, endurance, bone health, muscle strength, reproduction, you name it and vitamin d has a role there.

Vitamin d is produced in your skin, when it receives ultraviolet rays from the sun. That is why it is sometimes called sunshine vitamin.

And if you live indoors, or it is winter, or you have a black skin, or you are elderly, or you live in polluted city where ultraviolet rays can’t reach your skin. Then you are surely deficient in vitamin d. And must consider testing your vitamin d levels. Generally, if you are no supplementing it, you don’t have optimum levels of it. And must consider taking vitamin d supplements.

Here are some symptoms, which can be an indication of vitamin d deficiency.

1. Diabetes
2. Aching Muscles
3. Painful Bones, Osteoporosis or other bone problems.
4. Fatigue, tiredness, and low energy
5. Reduced Endurance and Stamina
6. Low Moods, Depression, Anxiety
7. Sleep Problems and Insomnia
8. Losing or Thinning Hair and baldness
9. Slow Wound Healing
10. Heart Problems & High Blood Pressure
11. Obesity
12. Frequent Infections
13. Reduced Cognitive Function, Dementia, Alzheimer etc.,
14. Cancer

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