Has Israel Really Found COVID-19 Vaccine which it claims ? Know How Talks

#Has Israel really found covid 19 vaccine which it claims?? They haven’t found a vaccine actually
but a cure which is called as monoclonal neutralizing antibody.
# Israel _It is one of the smallest country in the world which has never lost a war …it cannot
afford actually ..if Israel loses a war, it disappears, its people disappear into history… it has
special anti ballistic missile defense system to protect it self which covers whole country…And
they has remarkable intelligence agency MOSSAD
#Whats Monoclonal antibody and how does it way the body’s immune system
attacks foreign substances is by making large numbers of antibodies. An antibody is a protein
that sticks to a specific protein called an antigen. Antibodies circulate throughout the body until
they find and attach to the antigen. Once attached, they can force other parts of the immune
system to destroy the cells containing the antigen.
Researchers can design antibodies that specifically target a certain antigen, such as one found
on cancer cells. They can then make many copies of that antibody in the lab. These are known
as monoclonal antibodies
#Naftali benette defense minister informed in an official statement, Bennet claimed that the
“monoclonal neutralising antibody” developed at the Israel Institute for Biological Research
(IIBR), can defeat the disease causing coronavirus inside the carrier’s body (acting as
coronavirus-neutralizing antibodies)