Unbelievably, so much advice going around is factually wrong, leading to real advice being ignored, often by those most vulnerable. So, it’s time for another #MYTHBUSTINGwithRhi!
IMMUNE SYSTEM BOOST 💥 Believe it or not, we don’t actually want to boost our immune system. An overactive immune system means your body can’t tell the difference between your healthy cells and invaders so it turns against you! You’re actually looking for a balanced system where no one food is recommended over another, instead it is important to eat a variety of foods including fruit, vegetables, wholegrains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and keeping up some daily exercise!
VITAMIN C 🍊 Chugging orange juice and swallowing pills won’t ward off the common cold and there’s even less evidence of COVID-19 immunity. Focus on getting your Vitamin C as much through your diet as much as possible with citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, green veg, peppers and tomatoes!
WATER 💧 COVID-19 enters the body mainly via your respiratory tract when you breathe in so while staying hydrated is always good advice, it’s certainly not going to get rid of it. Infections often begin after we’ve been exposed to thousands or millions of viral particles, so sweeping a few down the oesophagus is unlikely to have much of an impact.
MULTIVITAMINS 💊 Supplements, no matter how effective, can never replace a healthy lifestyle with real food, exercise and good sleep! It’s worth reminding yourself that the supplements that are recommended in the UK are for pregnancy, children and special cases. 20mcg vitamin D supplements today in Ireland are recommended in the next 3-6 months we have no UK update yet.
Please stick with the more mundane, but proven, approaches to staying healthy and helping your immune system 🙌🏻 follow a varied, balanced diet filled with lots of fruits and vegetables! It’s really that simple and the single most important action we can all take in fighting coronavirus is to stay at home in order to protect the NHS ♥️ save lives.
#Rhitrition #HealthyLifestyle #HealthyEating #Covıd19 #Coronavirus #Virus #CovidKindness best resources: WHO, CDC, NHS