Wake Up Wednesday's with Oasis Palisades Retreat Collective: 4 /29 /20

Welcome to our Oasis Palisades Retreat Collective Weekly Wed. 9am PT Wellness Wake Up!
Each week we share our favorite self-care tools we use and share with our patients and clients to build immunity and optimal health and wellness.
This week we share:
1. Dr. Andrea Renee Rivera’s collegue, Dr. Muran’s Vitamin Supplement Protocol for Immunity: Quercitin – 500mg, Vitamin C- 1000mg, Vitamin D -5000 IU and Zinc Picolinate – 25mg. You can schedule, suggested donation $20 virtual consults with Dr. Renee for supplement and herbal medicine recommendations that you can buy for a 20% discount via her online store: with links she emails you of your list.
2. Dr. Andrea Renee’s at home lab test kit resources for micro-nutrient deficiencies and food allergies/inflammation and much more. You can order kits yourself at www.EverlyWell.com and receive results via email your can share with your doctor to discuss your results and next steps.
3. Stephanie Mistofsky Kanan, co-owner of Oasis Palisades Wellnessness center and licensed massage therapist share self massage for head, neck, shoulders, and chest to stop headaches and de-stress. You can access more self-massage free video practices when you subsribe to her youtube channel:
4. Terri Allen shares her wonderful children’s books that help families identify, understand and communicate their needs and feelings better. Her 2 books are available on amazon and you can learn more on her website, www.HolisticHealing4children.com.
5. Terri Allen leads us through her wonderful de-stressing guided imagery meditation. You can access many more of her amazing meditation experiences on her youtube channel:
We are grateful and excited to come together with your each week to share our tools for wellness so you can build your own self-care tool box you can use each day at home and where ever you may be to live your best life!