Depression Symptoms and Vitamin D

Vitamin D Deficiency and Depression

Signs and Symptoms
1. Frequent Illness
2. Fatigue
3. Lower back pain
4. General sadness or low mood
5. Bone loss
6. Hair loss
7. Muscle pain
8. Impaired healing
9. Skin issues

June 2020: The effect of Vit D supplement on negative emotions: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
**25 Trials with a total of 7535 participants.
**A subgroup analysis showed Vit D had an effect on patients with major depressive disorder and on subjects with serum 25(OH) levels less than or equal to 50nmol/L(20ng/ml)
**Dosage of less than or equal to 4000IU/day for 8 weeks or greater.

Conclusion: Patients with major depressive disorder and individuals with vitamin D deficiency are most likely to benefit from supplementation.

Supplement recommendations:
Vitamin D3-5000IU/125 mcg with or after meals
Vitamin K2-100 mcg (menaquinone-7) with or after meals
Magnesium(citrate, glycinate, threonate)-200-400mg

Dr. Jin Sung is a Chiropractic Physician who specializes in the management of complex chronic conditions in Massachusetts, 30 minutes north of Boston. He utilizes natural and alternative therapies to help manage complex cases such as Hashimoto’s, autoimmune conditions, IBS, SIBO, chronic fatigue, brain fog, early Alzheimer’s, etc.

Office Contact
978 688-6999

SEARCH on Dr. Sung’s Online Store
Metagenics Magnesium Glycinate
Metagenics Magnesium Citrate
Xymogen’s Magnesium Threonate

Numedica Vit D3 and K2
Vital Nutrients K2 and D3
Allergy Research Group Vitamin D3 Complete w/Vitamin A and K2
Biotics Research Bio-ADEK-Mulsion
Vitamin D Plus K-Klaire Labs

Designs for health LV-GB Complex
Seeking Health-Ox Bile 125mg
Pure Encapsulations-Digestion GB
Biotics Research-Beta Plus
Apex Energetics-Bilemin

Dr. Sung’s Online Supplement Dispensary-conditions apply. Certain companies will require a prescription from Dr. Sung.

The content of this video is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult with your physician before embarking on any dietary changes or taking any nutritional supplements.