If I change to a vegan diet there is also so much fear of vitamin deficiency iron deficiency Calcium deficiency if you would switch from eating rice to ragi Millet you will never be calcium deficient in your life 100 G this small amount of ragi millet has 300 plus Mig
Of calcium now when you talk about iron deficiency you to understand that we have scientific studies showing that vegetarians are actually more prone to iron deficiency because something found in that milk inhibits iron absorption when you’re eating these iron rich foods drink glass of orangee juice along with
It when you consume vitamin C along with iron the body is able to easily absorb much more of the iron leafy green vegetables so if you could find a way to include them into your diet you will get easily a plethora of nutrients it is very much possible and doable to get all
Of your nutrients from plant sources except B12 you have to supplement you have to supplement B12 and don’t stay indoors all days do expose your skin to sunlight if you want to get vitamin D