Story Behind the Product | Vitamin D+K2

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Hi I’m Dr Daniel aan founder of brain MD and I am here with Dr Nicole Lavina our chief science officer uh who’s a neuroscientist trained at Princeton and Rockefeller University we are so excited to talk about vitamin D plus K2 and this is absolutely essential vitamin D is critical for so many reasons and more than half of the population has suboptimal levels and low levels of vitamin D go with cognitive problems they go with emotional problems

They go with problems in your immune system and I just think it is critical to know your vitamin D level and then work to optimize it why is it important to add vitamin K2 well you want to make sure that your vitamin D is working for

You right and so K2 is so critical to making sure that the calcium that comes along with vitamin D actually gets into the places it needs to be which is your bones and without vitamin K2 our calcium could be floating around and it’s going to be in our blood which isn’t where we

Want it to be we want it to be absorbed into our body into the right places that’s why K2 so important so the combination of D and K2 is going to make sure that you’re going to optimize the impact that that vitamin D is going to

Have on your body and also your brain so test your vitamin D level optimize it and include K2