Top 6 Vitamins to Build Muscle Mass

The Top 6 Vitamins To Build Muscle Mass [Subtitles]

In today’s video we discuss the best vitamins for muscle growth and building muscle mass. Each of these are 100% essential for human health, especially when it comes to growing new muscle tissue and gaining weight. A deficiency in any of these vitamins can be the reason why your muscles grow so slowly.

Consuming a varied diet with lots of nutrient dense foods will provide you with these 6 vitamins that can make your muscle mass increase more quickly and keep you fit and healthy.

Be sure to see our muscle health playlist below to learn about the best foods, nutrients, omega 3-s, compounds and diet plan for muscle growth.

Full Muscle Health Playlist:

22 Foods To Gain Muscle Mass:

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The key 6 Vitamins needed to  build muscle mass and gain weight. Gaining muscle does more than  just enhance your physique.   It actually makes your body more  resistant to inflammation and diseases. Many people think that they key to building  muscle is eating more protein. However this  

Is not the case. The body actually requires more  vitamins and minerals to help grow muscle tissue. Vitamins are important co-factors which  help your body in various ways to break   down protein from your food and then build  it back up in order to grow your muscles.

In today’s video we will take a look  at the importance of these Vitamins   and how they affect muscle growth. 1. Vitamin A  This is one of the most important nutrients  which is called retinol in its active form. Vitamin A supports protein synthesis, a process  where your body breaks down protein from your  

Food into amino acids, and then feeds  this to the muscles to grow new tissue. Vitamin A also supports the structural strength of  the muscles and promotes healthy bone development. The healthiest sources of active Vitamin  A include pasture raised eggs, beef liver,   virgin cod liver oil and grass fed butter.

2. Vitamin D Over 1 billion people worldwide   are deficient in Vitamin D which can lead to  muscular pain, especially in the lower back.   Every muscle cell in the body has a  Vitamin D receptor (VDR) because this   vitamin helps to control neural muscular function.

Vitamin D helps to stabilise your posture,  especially in the quads, glutes and iliopsoas   muscles. This helps to prevent swaying when  you walk and keep your core muscles strong. Vitamin D can also help you give  you more energy when exercising   and helps to speed up muscle contraction.

The best way to get Vitamin D is by exposing your  skin to sunshine at least 20 minutes per day. Alternatively you can take 10,000IU of Vitamin D3  supplement daily along with 100mcg of Vitamin K2,   as these work together in the body. 3. Vitamin E 

Vitamin E plays a very important role  in repairing and growing muscle tissue. After exercising the cells and muscle  tissues become torn forming micro tears.   Vitamin E helps to restore these  quickly and build them up stronger. Vitamin E is one of the best  nutrients for reducing stiffness,  

Soreness, cramps and muscle spasms,  and is also a powerful antioxidant. 4. B Vitamins  After you lift weights or workout, you  cause micro tears in the muscle tissue.   As the tissues get repaired, the muscles get  larger so that they can handle more stress.

B-complex vitamins are important because  they help your cells produce energy which   is used by the muscle cells to repair these tears. Let’s take a look at the specific benefits  of some of the nutrients in this group. Thiamine (B1) is essential  for metabolising proteins,   provides the muscles with oxygen  and encourages muscle growth.

Riboflavin (B2) Important for metabolising glucose  and burning fat, and helps boost energy reserves. Niacin (B3) This also boosts  energy reserves when exercising,   and takes part in over 50 metabolic processes. Pyridoxine (B6) Helps the body  to burn carbohydrates for fuel,   metabolise protein and build muscle tissue.

Biotin (B7) helps metabolise amino acids  and carbs to use as energy for exercising. Cobalamin (B12) supports the nervous system  and the communication between the muscles   and the brain. It also helps to form red  blood cells to fuel muscle with oxygen. 5. Vitamin C This nutrient is a powerful  

Antioxidant which is well known to improve your  immune system and protect the body from disease. It is also absolutely essential for proper muscle  growth, repair and building mass. After exercise   Vitamin C helps to lower cortisol  levels which help the healing process. Vitamin C is vital for the synthesis of collagen,  

L-carnitine, catecholamines and other proteins.  It acts as a cofactor to other enzymes   which work with these chemical pathways  in order to build tissue in the body. You can get enough daily Vitamin C by consuming  1 bell pepper each day. You can also get this  

From leafy greens like kale, broccoli, Brussels  sprouts, cabbage and other vegetables and berries. 6. CoQ10 Coenzyme Q10   is a vitamin-like substance which also acts as an   antioxidant in the body. This is very useful  for preventing muscle fatigue in athletes. This is found in organ meats  such as heart, liver and kidney.  

It can also be found in mackerel,  sardines, pistachios, broccoli. Consuming Coq10 helps to feed  muscle cells with energy,   regulate inflammatory pathways  and reduce oxidative stress. As you can see you need a range  of different Vitamins in your diet   to help build healthy muscle mass. Taking a multivitamin supplement  will not meet your requirements,  

As these are often synthetic and are not  properly absorbed and utilized by muscle tissue. Poor quality multivitamin  supplements in excess can be toxic. For this reason it’s very important to get your  vitamins and minerals from healthy food sources.   We have made a video specifically on  the best 22 foods to gain muscle mass,  

You can find a link to this below the video. Protein is also very important, however  most people consume too much protein   which can be very hard for the liver to process. Consuming 0.8 – 1g of protein  per pound of body weight,   each day, is enough fuel for your  muscles to grow after exercising.

In our previous video we discuss the importance  of omega 3 fatty acids for muscle growth. We will   also be discussing the best minerals for muscle  growth, along with other important nutrients. To learn more, please select our “Muscle Health”  playlist at the end or click on the link below   the video.   

Thank you very much for listening, a like is  always appreciated and remember to subscribe   and tap the bell for more healthy videos. I  wish you great health, wealth and happiness.