Checkout these 8 superfoods that will give you a natural boost in energy levels! #superfood #energy #health #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #diet #nutrition #excercise #wellness #healthtips #moreenergy

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8 – Oats a complex carbohydrate, which are broken down into glucose, the main energy source of your body’s cells! This paired with the high fiber content and vitamins of oats gives you an additional boost compared to other carb sources. The fiber slows your digestion to give you a sustained release of glucose and the vitamins B1, B2, and B3 play a major role in the conversion of carbs into energy!

7 – Almonds. These tree nuts are a fantastic source of healthy fats, proteins, and fiber. The omega-3s in almonds are a concentrated source of energy for your body. Once consumed, they’ll give you a long lasting source of energy! The fiber content in almonds also helps to regulate your blood sugar preventing any big spikes or crashes that will affect your energy levels!

6 – Spinach is packed with iron, which helps to transport oxygen throughout your body giving you that much needed boost in energy. Spinach can also hydrate you due to its high water content. Dehydration is an energy killer so make sure to consume enough spinach to keep your body’s fluid levels balanced.

5 – Quinoa has a lot of the same characteristics and benefits as oats in terms of it being broken down into glucose for your cells and having a high fiber content giving you a sustained release of energy. Quinoa also has a low glycemic index, meaning it helps prevent any spikes or crashes in your blood sugar levels and energy!

4 – Salmon is a high quality protein that helps maintain and support muscle mass which has a direct relationship on overall energy levels. Salmon is also rich in Vitamin D that aids in calcium absorption which has been known to reduce fatigue and boost your mood, both of which are great for your energy levels! Maybe grab some salmon next time you’re at the supermarket!

3 – Blueberries are packed with natural sugars like fructose and glucose which can provide you with a quick energy boost. Hearing “quick energy boost” you may assume a crash is coming as well but the high fiber content in these wonders helps prevent any crashes in energy levels.

2 – Sweet Potatoes. These superfoods are also complex carbohydrates giving you a lot of energy rich glucose. In addition, they also have a high water content keeping you hydrated and are full of energy boosting natural sugars. Sweet potatoes are also low in fat which is great because dietary fat can lead to a feeling of sluggishness.

1 – Bananas are one of the best foods for energy levels. Bananas are a natural source of sucrose, fructose, and glucose which all provide your cells with an abundance of energy. On top of that, bananas are another high water content complex carbohydrates which keep you safe from dehydration linked fatigue and provides you with sustained energy. Bananas are also really high in potassium content which supports efficient muscle function, enhancing physical energy levels!