Family Health Minute – Best Supplements To Support Your Family’s Immune Health

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Best Supplements To Support Your Family’s Immune Health

Welcome to this week’s Family Health Minute.

This week’s minute looks at how to support your family’s immune system using supplements.

With cold and flu season upon us, we are always looking for ways to keep our family healthy.

A healthy diet, adequate sleep, and daily exercise and of course chiropractic care is ultimately the best line of defense against germs and viruses.

However, a healthy lifestyle paired with the right supplements can be a powerful combination to keep your family’s immune systems healthy, especially during the winter months.

Here are some vitamins and herbs that will offer your family’s immune systems an extra boost.
Vitamin C Studies show a daily supplement of vitamin C can significantly decrease the duration and severity of cold symptoms in adults and children. Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus, bell peppers, and broccoli.

Goji berries Goji berry extracts are often used in supplement form to provide extra immune support and are good sources of vitamin C and vitamin A.

Probiotics Since most of our immune cells are found in the gut, a quality probiotic supports GI tract health and promotes a robust immune system. Fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut, or 24-hour fermented yogurts are also a great way to increase beneficial bacteria intake.

Vitamin D Without adequate vitamin D, certain immune cells cannot initiate the proper immune response. Since sunshine is the primary vitamin D source, supplementation is essential during the winter months.

Echinacea  Echinacea can be used to avoid colds, much like vitamin C.

Zinc Zinc is a mineral necessary for a healthy immune system. You can find zinc in protein-rich foods like beef and beans.

Although a healthy diet and lifestyle are very important when it comes to a strong immune system, supplements can help give your family extra support in the fight against winter viruses.

Improve your overall health with a nutritious diet, regular exercise, quality sleep, a positive attitude, and regular chiropractic care.

Make chiropractic a regular health habit for the whole family to ensure your spines and nervous systems are working the best they can.

And that is this week’s Family Health Minute.

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