Sitting May Be Killing You – Get Moving Now (Wellness Video Series Example)

This video is an example of the new wellness video series I am created for my clients. Contact me to get the series for your company. Covid has many people at home – SITTING way too much. Sitting may be killing you….slowly and ruining your future ability to enjoy your life. Many of you are lucky to have a position that keeps you moving all day long. For others you could easily be sitting 30, 40 or even 50 hours a week between your work and personal life. A recent study at Johns Hopkins said, “How much you sit, not your weight or how much you exercise is the key factor in determining someone’s overall health.” Calculate for a week how much you are REALLY sitting. If you are in an office role, find a way to get a sit stand desk solution and use it. Monitor how much are you moving. Set alerts to remind you. Get moving and quit sitting so much! Take Action.
