Necessary Foods For Fight Against CORONAVIRUS //Immunity growth foods//Health is wealth

The coronavirus presents many uncertainties, and none of us can completely eliminate our risk of getting COVID-19. But one thing we can do is eat as healthily as possible.
Micronutrients essential to fight infection include vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, and the minerals iron, selenium, and zinc.
Vitamin A : Vitamin A maintains the structure of the cells in the skin, respiratory tract and gut. Vitamin A is found in oily fish, egg yolks, cheese, tofu, nuts, seeds, red lentil, whole grains and legumes.
B vitamins : B vitamins, particularly B6, B9 and B12, contribute to your body’s first response once it has recognised a pathogen.
B6 is found in cereals, legumes, green leafy vegetables, fruit, nuts, fish, chicken and meat.
B9 (folate) is abundant in green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds and is added to commercial bread-making flour.
B12 (cyanocobalamin) is found in animal products, including eggs, meat and dairy, and also in fortified soy milk (check the nutrition information panel).
Vitamins C and E: Vitamin C and vitamin E help protect cells from oxidative stress. Good sources of vitamin C include oranges, lemons, limes, berries, kiwifruit, broccoli, tomatoes and capsicum.
Vitamin E is found in nuts, green leafy vegetables and vegetables oils.
Vitamin D: Some immune cells need vitamin D to help destroy pathogens that cause infection. food sources including eggs, fish and some milks and margarine brands may be fortified with Vitamin D
Iron, zinc, selenium: We need iron, zinc and selenium for immune cell growth, among other functions.
Iron is found in meat, chicken and fish. Vegetarian sources include legumes, whole grains and iron-fortified breakfast cereals.
Zinc is found in oysters and other seafood, meat, chicken, dried beans and nuts.
Nuts (especially Brazil nuts), meat, cereals and mushrooms are good food sources of selenium.
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Song: Arp Bounce