Top 3 Tips for a Healthy 2021 – Health and Wellness

Top 3 Tips for a Healthy 2021 – Health and Wellness

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Whatever health goals you set for yourself for 2021, don’t call them New Year’s resolutions. If you do, you’re setting yourself up for failure from day one. By setting goals for the full year, but aiming for small wins, you can play the long game. End the year healthier than everyone who had a healthy January before spectacularly losing their way!

A health goal is any aim you set yourself to take action that will have a direct or indirect impact on your health. So by committing to specific health goals, you prioritize your well-being and go some way to being more mindful about how your lifestyle affects your health.

Dr. J emphasized top 3 things to consider – clean water, maintaining normal range carbohydrates, and consuming good quantity food. Find out more about all of these and approach this year with a healthier body.
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani
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