Health Series-3 I Nutrition Tips For Covid-19 Patients

What we eat and drink they play a crucial role in boosting our immune system and that in turn decides and determines our recovery and getting back on feet
Hi This is Nutritionist Harpreet Pasricha and today in my health series I’m going to talk about Covid positive nutrition plans. So today we are gonna talk about what to have if you have been tested covid positive.
Lots of information is there on internet and lot of nutritionist, dietitian and other medical practitioners are talking about immunity, immune system, how to boost it but when it comes covid positive patients, I have realized lately with lot of my patients, people are really very confused. There are so much information on internet and floating around on whatsapp, social media that people are confused. So in a day they are having 3-4 glass lime water, orange juice, having all the possible kadhas with all the possible spiced and herbs and there is so much of confusion. So today we are going to clear that one by one and I’m going to give you a small gist that what you need to take care when you or your family member has turned covid positive.
So if you are covid positive or your family member is covid positive, do not just start picking up everything and anything on the earth and start having
So first of all figure out what are your symptoms, are you asymptomatic or you have mild fever or you have cough, chest lung infection also what’s the kind of infections and how adverse it is, mild or its high symptoms you are having.
So if you’re having cough or runny nose or your having chest infection which is like phlegm and stuff i would suggest that go easy on any sour food.
Now when we are talking about covid positive or immunity we are talking about Vitamin C. Yes, Vitamin C is very very important we all know that. But vitamin C is usually there in sour foods like oranges or lime water or pineapple. So if you start consuming this it may cause more itching or more congestion in your chest and more coughing. So We want faster recovery, we do not want to delay the recovery so in this case you may have to replace it with a supplement which your medical practitioner, your doctor whose treating you, or your Nutritionist whose giving you a diet can do so.
So first of all go by your symptom just don’t pickup anything and everything and start drinking any juices or limbu panni if you’re having chest infection. So that’s my first point.

Proteins are very very important. They are our building blocks; they help in recovery faster.
So proteins in form of Dal soups, dal ki roti, general a bowl of dal if you’re eating or eggs.
Make sure that you’re including a good quality of protein in your diet while you’re covid positive.

Also be wary of things like have less of salt, less sugar, reduce your caffeine intake so your tea coffee intake has to be reduced because we don’t want to get dehydrated. Also be wary about all the processed foods, biscuits or namkeen or anything which you’re ordering from outside at this point need to be avoided or restricted.
As per my experience as a Nutritionist what I have seen faster recovery in my patients is when we have reduced their intake of raw vegetables. If we have given them more cooked vegetables so we have reduced the perishable foods where there is chances of high bacteria. So raw foods or milk or sometimes even curd when you have bad throat or itchy throat has helped a lot of patients in recovery. Wholesome foods like fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, having lot of soups, broths and hydrating yourself enough is another important point which a covid positive patient should take care. When we are talking about fruits, be sure any fruits which are aggravating your cough or are sour can be avoided at this point.
Vegetables I would prefer it having in cooked form like inform of broths, soups and cooked vegetables instead of salad and hydration inform of water, broths, you need to drink a lot of water I.e. 10-15 glasses specially if you are having running fever, we do not want any dehydration happening in body. Along with these tips certain other things like gargling, taking steams and having a decoction of about two pinches of turmeric and one pinch of pepper really helps.
When we are talking about this functional food like turmeric and pepper, please don’t overdo any of these decoctions as a lot of people are overdoing. So as per your conditions, its better that your nutritionist suggests what kind of decoction you should have to boost your immunity because they are also anti-viral and anti-bacterial and along with that drinking 3-4 glasses of hot water does help.

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