Vitamin C, vitamin D and Zinc. Corona Vitamins reality and safe use Informative Pharmacist Malayalam

Its is not recommended for healthy individuals to take vitamin supplements daily. Fat soluble vitamins can be stored in the body and excess intake of them can cause harm.
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin (vitamin D2 ergocalciferol, vitamin D3 cholecalciferol) , synthesized in the body only on exposure to sunlight. There for people who have vitamin D deficient diet and poor exposure to sunlight tend to be vitamin D deficient. The exact role of vitamin D is unknown but it helps in developing immunity, regulating calcium levels and strengthening of bone and muscle.
British medical journal published a study done on eleven thousand people in 2017. It says people having vitamin D deficiency have more chance of developing respiratory tract infections. And the same people when treated with vitamin D supplements daily found to be less prone to respiratory tract infections and their immune system now works effectively.
Taking 250iu to 400iu of vitamin D daily is actually beneficial to health and it is highly unlikely that these doses can cause overdosing. However constant intake of therapeutic doses of vitamin D without the concern of a medical practitioner is dangerous and can lead to calcium deposition in soft tissues.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is vital for the function of white blood cells that help to fight infections, and overall immune system health. Vitamin C is also important for iron absorption, and being deficient in iron can make you more vulnerable to infections.
The normal, recommended daily intake of vitamin C for adults from the diet is 60 to 120 mg. You can get about 80 to 90 mg from a cup of orange juice or sliced orange. And it is highly unlikely for someone eating food daily to develop vitamin C deficiency.
continues intake of higher doses of vitamin C can result in developing of kidney stones,
Zinc has become one of the most popular suggestions for reducing symptoms of COVID.
Some studies showed that zinc reduces the duration of a cold by half. Zinc gluconate can reduce the duration of common cold. But excess intake of zinc can result in zinc poisoning.


