15 Things You Didn’t Know Could Slow Down Aging

The fountain of youth just isn’t a myth: You can actually delay the aging process with these lifestyle choices:
You may not be able to turn back time, but you can alter the effects of time on your body. It really is possible to slow physical and mental aging. Research has shown that people the same chronological age may have a different “biological age.” In one study published in the journal PNAS, nearly 1,000 participants of the same age were examined for cognitive abilities, cardiovascular health, and other markers of fitness at three different ages: 26, 32, and 38. The researchers plotted the slope of each individual’s biomarkers and discovered that they didn’t all decline at the same rate. Some, in fact, had no slope at all, meaning they weren’t aging. At 38 years old, these volunteers had biological ages that ranged anywhere from younger than 30 to nearly 60 years old.

What this means for you is that factors other than genetics can influence the rate you’ll age, the study authors said in a Duke University press release. Many of these are within your control.