How to help your own immunity Part 2

What does it mean to have a healthy and resilient immune system?
What happen when you age, why is it in this situation, that the people who are dying are people 50-plus and older?
First of all, as you age your thyroid level goes down, okay. As you age your thyroid level goes down.
Now I am going to talk about something interesting
Vitamin A production. Your vitamin A production goes down because your thyroid is not functioning right. Your body is not able to take carotenoids that you eat and convert them to vitamin A. we are going to lean very soon, as my friend Dr. Robbie Mitchel says, vitamin A is like a deadbolt which protects your cells wall, okay. It is like building a wall so other invaders do not come in, okay. Vitamin A is so critical to this. But as you age, your thyroid level goes down and minimize a vitamin A production.
Now, why is that important because vitamin A, when that goes down you get less cytokeratins, and I am going to show you a very nice one image on this; the cytokeratins are the things that create the wall around your cells, to really protect you.
So these two bullets you need to take away. The second thing we need to understand is that as you age, your hydrochloric acid goes down. HCL acid level goes down. So what that mean you lower your gut acidophilus. Remember, fill us, is likes from the Greek and Latin, I may be making it there, but it is a thing that likes acid. So, your gut bacteria, which like acid, when the acid levels go down what happens at this point is that your microbiome goes into dysfunction.
So as you age, your thyroid level goes on you produce less vitamin A. If you do not address it properly and your acid level goes down, when acid levels does down, your microbiome gets affected.
So again, if you think about your throat in your gut, these two things as you age, you are getting affected and you go in what it is called, you become immunocompromised. Your immune system gets weakened, and it does not act the way it should.
In that, all those systems coming together in the proper way, your innate immune system, your FN and your adaptive etc. balancing itself. So, this why as you age it is important you focus on diet, and we will come back to this.
The other thing, a number of people been rightfully asking is, if you eat a high sugar diet; which by the way this is an aside what I want to share with you. Is one of the initiatives that I have done to help the public; is I created a whole new certification, and you can see it at Whole Foods and Walmart’s, called clean food certified. It is a thing that I did through my Research Institute to help the industry to really identify what is good clean food; involves foods that are non-gmo organic high bio velvet it is a very complex systems approach.