Supplements Domestic Camels Need

If you’re like so many other camel owners whereby you don’t have your camels in their natural desert environment, roaming free, then you need to tune into this Camel Vet Talk on supplements domesticated camels NEED.

Dr. Margie Bale – Camel Vet, gives us digestible information on things you need to start adding to your camels diet TODAY in order to avoid some major health issues in the future.


Camels are a survival animal so even though they might “appear” to be healthy and strong, what’s going on on their insides might be a different story.

Often camel owners are surprised one day to find their camel had died “unexpectedly” but there most likely was an underlying health issue going on that wasn’t picked up on and the camel’s body started to fail.

In this talk you’ll get practical How Tos and feed adjustments to keep our camels healthy and some solutions to some health problems arising.

Watch the video talk or listen to audio….

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Tara & Russell are world leaders in camel training, handling & psychology. They mentor camel owners and camel lovers and are the founders of the Camel Connection Trust Based Camel Training® method. Authors of Camelman Dreaming (Russell) and Introduction to Camel Husbandry (co-authored). Both experienced camel expeditions (camel trekkers) and camel trainers they travel the world and conduct online courses teaching people how to connect with camels and build a relationship built on trust and compassion.
Philanthropists at heart they are always striving to make this this world a better place through their Charity Camel Treks and Compassionate Camel Journeys (open to public). You can read more about them over at


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