Increasing immunity through ZeNLP exercises

How to increaseimmunity Day 199 of our lockdown sunrise challenge
C (eating whole lime with skin)
Vitamin D (sunlight ,moringa leaves, neem leaves juice, spinach and fenugreek leaves)
Vitamin E (walnuts, dates and raisins)
Turmeric and besan bath)
Exercise (lymph pumping exercises) Ear/Nose/Throat/Chest/Abdomen/Shoulder exercise/ skipping/jumping/climbing
Gayatri mantra and surya mantras
Tree hugging therapy
Improve your immunity and be healthy and safe.
Alkaline water (make at home by doing it yourself)
Hot ginger alkaline hot water
Pranayama (climbing steps)
hot turmeric water

How to make alkaline water at home

Tree hugging therapy to increase immunity
Click on the link below

Herd immunity explained – Humans are magnets. The virus are little ball bearings zooming around sticking to magnets. Every time it sticks for a few days it magnetizes itself. This continues until all balls are repelled by the human magnet by virtue of opposing magnetic force. No sticking!

Older magnets who are locked inside are now protected from the ball bearings because so many of them are now also magnets after running into magnets outside. Allowing magnets & ball bearings to play together protects the magnets indoors, so that eventually they can go out again!