Latest video by SG Dr wellness on ways to maintain healthy looking skin.
How to keep your skin looking youthful? what are the methods and cosmetics that you can use. Part 1 of the 2 video series.

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What makes the skin look youthful and young. What are the factors that causes premature skin ageing.
What can you do to maintain a youthful look through lifestyle and cosmetics ?
All these and more – if you are new to our channel, click on the subscribe and notification button now.

There are 3 pillars to maintain youthful looking skin.
If you want to look young – achieve these 3 points
1) Keep your skin well hydrated.
2) Keep your skin fair and reduce the pigmentations
3) Maintain the collagen and support structure to reduce sagging and wrinkles

When your skin is clean, bright and smooth and tight – you will look younger.
Now what happens during skin ageing????
1) the renewal of cells in the epidermis slows down and the epidermis becomes thinner and fine lines and wrinkles start to appear
2) the dermis where the collagen and support structure is found becomes thinner. You will lose collagen as you age, the elastic support structure breaks down and becomes looser – hence your skin sags.
3) Skin starts to lose water and hyaluronic acid
4) pigments start to accumulate due to the continuous accumulated UV damage from the sun.
So what can we do to slow down or reverse this process?
There are external and internal factors that we have to control
I will touch upon the 3 external factors in this episode

1) sun avoidance and sun protection is extremely important.
The sun is damaging to our skin.
UVA causes pigmentations and wrinkling and premature break down of collagen and UVB causes burns
By reducing sun exposure and sun protection, we can slow down the effect of sun induced aging.
So minimise the exposure to the sun and if you have to go outdoor, remember to wear a hat or a cap and as much as possible, wear long sleeve shirts and long pants to cover up your limbs.
Now I will teach you guys how to select your sun block.
When you purchase your sunblock, always look out for two things
First : look out for the “ broad spectrum” or “ Dual band “ or specifically “ UVA and UVB protection”
Secondly : look out for the spf number.
Now what exactly is spf? Is the higher the spf the better?
Well, SPF is sun protection factor. If your skin takes 10 minutes under direct sunlight to become red, spf 30 increases that time by 30x = 300 minutes.
Now look at the graph : spf of 15 protects agains 92% of UVB, spf of 30 protects against 97% of UVB
So yes, the higher the spf the better the protection is against UVB but spf30 already blocks 97% of the UVB rays, hence anything higher may not significantly improve the UVB protection.
As we age, our skin loses significant amount of moisture and Hyaluronic acid.Hyaluronic acid is found around the skin cells and has a unique capacity to bind and retain water molecules.
Hence it is very important as we age to replace that moisture lost through topical applications. Examples of moisturisers are humectants and emollients.
Humectants draw water to the skin cells to keep them hydrated, examples are Glycerin, hyaluronic acid, urea and alphahydroxy acids ( AHA )
They are suitable for all skin types including oily, combination and acne prone skin because they do not contain heavy oils. Emollients fill in spaces or gaps between skin cells that are missing moisturising lipids. They fill the space and gap in the skin and hence makes the skin smoother and better hydrated.
Examples are : ceramics, lanolin, mineral oil and petroleum
Suitable for very dry skin, eczematous skin
Retinol is the wonder drug for the skin.
There are off the counter retinol or variants of vitamin A and there are doctor prescribed retinol.
It encourages skin renewal and new skin growth.
It makes the old skin shed off faster and by generating newer skin cells, helps to reduce and lighten pigmentations, reduce fine lines and wrinkles and even reduce pores.
Take note that concentrated vitamin A and higher concentrations require a doctor’s prescriptions as there are side effects associated with it.
So that concludes part 1 of this series on how to maintain youthful looking skin. I hope it was educational and informative. Stay tuned next week for part 2 where we will talk about the lifestyle factors to maintaining youthful looking skin.please click on the subscribe and notification button if you haven’t already done so.